




1. 干蒸桑拿:干蒸桑拿是重庆酒店桑拿中最常见的一种。它通过高温加热,使人体大量出汗,从而达到排毒养颜、减肥瘦身的效果。干蒸桑拿的特点是室内温度较高,湿度较低,人在蒸房内会感到热浪袭来。

2. 湿蒸桑拿:湿蒸桑拿与干蒸桑拿类似,但不同的是,湿蒸桑拿在高温加热的同时,还会向蒸房内喷洒水雾,增加湿度。湿蒸桑拿的特点是室内温度和湿度适中,人在蒸房内既能感受到热度,又能呼吸到新鲜空气。

3. 水疗桑拿:水疗桑拿是一种集桑拿、按摩、水疗于一体的休闲方式。人在蒸房内出汗后,可进行按摩和水疗,达到放松身心、舒缓疲劳的效果。


1. 价格体系:酒店桑拿的价格根据服务内容和设施的不同而有所差异。一般来说,干蒸桑拿的价格在50-100元/次,湿蒸桑拿在80-150元/次,水疗桑拿在150-300元/次。

2. 服务项目:酒店桑拿提供的服务项目包括桑拿、按摩、水疗、美容等。消费者可以根据自己的需求选择合适的服务。

3. 环境与设施:酒店桑拿的环境舒适,设施齐全。蒸房、休息区、按摩室等一应俱全,为消费者提供优质的休闲娱乐体验。


1. 营业时间:酒店桑拿的营业时间一般为早上9点至晚上12点,部分酒店还提供24小时服务。

2. 服务人员:酒店桑拿的服务人员通常分为桑拿师、按摩师、水疗师等。他们经过专业培训,具备一定的专业技能。

3. 会员制度:部分酒店桑拿实行会员制度,会员可享受折扣优惠、积分兑换等服务。

4. 隐私保护:酒店桑拿在保证消费者隐私方面做得较为严格。蒸房、休息区等区域均有明确标识,避免消费者误入。





1. 重庆特色桑拿洗浴中心以传统桑拿为基础,融入了重庆本地特色,如雾都温泉、川派按摩等,形成了一种独特的休闲养生方式。

2. 这些洗浴中心通常位于城市繁华地段,交通便利,环境优雅,为忙碌的都市人提供了一个放松身心的好去处。


1. 无双休闲spa会所


2. 雅致养生会馆


3. 龙门浩温泉


4. 江北国际机场洗浴中心



1. 提前预约:为了确保您的体验质量,建议提前预约洗浴中心,以便工作人员为您安排最佳的服务。

2. 了解项目:在前往洗浴中心之前,了解中心提供的各项服务,以便根据自己的需求选择合适的养生项目。

3. 注意卫生:洗浴过程中,注意个人卫生,保持干净整洁,以免影响他人。

4. 放松身心:在享受服务的过程中,尽量放松身心,让身体和心灵得到彻底的放松。



















1. 庭院布局:晚欲雪的庭院布局极好,每一处都匠心独运。外围一丛丛桃花梨花,几株垂杨柳;不远处还有群山环抱,有亭台轩榭,有层峦叠嶂,有茂林修竹,有小桥流水,有渔舟唱晚,尽显古之意趣,也充满了江南的旖旎特色。

2. 隔音效果:晚欲雪的房间采用高效隔音建材和超静音设备,为空间创造足够的隔音、静音效果,让您在享受桑拿的同时,远离喧嚣。

3. 服务项目:晚欲雪男士SPA提供50多种休闲养生减压项目,主打私人订制,中式装修,豪华独栋别墅,高档星际套间,多位华丽舞者与您完美邂逅。


1. 江南养生会馆:位于重庆南岸区,以江南水乡风格著称,环境优雅,服务周到。

2. 悦心泉桑拿中心:位于重庆渝北区,以独特的温泉资源为基础,提供多种桑拿项目。

3. 逸云轩桑拿会馆:位于重庆江北区,环境舒适,服务专业,是养生休闲的好去处。






1. 优良的木材特性


2. 良好的保温隔热性能


3. 环保健康


4. 丰富的装饰效果




1. 优惠价格:活动期间,樟子松桑拿板价格直降,消费者可节省不少装修成本。

2. 限时抢购:活动期间,部分爆款产品限时抢购,数量有限,先到先得。

3. 赠送配件:购买樟子松桑拿板,即可获得相关配件,如角线、踢脚线等,方便消费者装修。

4. 优质服务:活动期间,消费者可享受专业设计师免费量尺、出图、设计等服务,为消费者提供全方位的家居解决方案。




1. 选择正规渠道购买:为确保产品质量,消费者应选择正规渠道购买樟子松桑拿板。

2. 仔细查看产品规格:购买前,消费者应仔细查看产品规格,确保所选产品符合自己的需求。

3. 比较价格:在购买过程中,消费者可多比较几家店铺的价格,选择性价比最高的产品。

4. 注意售后服务:购买后,消费者要关注售后服务,确保装修过程中的问题得到及时解决。


"Brother and others swear to defend the head Du Jie!" Behind him is a drink together.

The old man laughed. "It’s not a waste of life to have a brother like you. But Emperor Xuan and Huang Xiu is already a first-class theory of scattered immortals. I’m not an opponent. What’s worse, I still have to rob Lei and join Du Jie again."
"Scattered fairy? !”
The words of the old man of beasts can be described as rock-breaking for a while, and the caves were all uneven and exclaimed.
Section 6 Real Iron Mausoleum
This world is extremely prosperous and prosperous, from the ancient times to the Archaean times, to the Proterozoic times, to the ancient times, and finally to the modern times, it has gradually become a unified realm of repairing truth and divided into thirteen classes.
From practicing the spirit to building the foundation light … finally, after the combination, Du Jie and Mahayana, the celestial world is soaring. There are more detailed divisions among the celestial world, such as Ghost Fairy, demon fairy, Danxian, Wuxian, Tianxian, Xuanxian, Taiyixian and Daluoxian, and so on.
However, apart from the orthodox immortals in the celestial world, there is a special fairy family, which is scattered immortals.
This scattered fairy is a monk who failed to practice in Du Jie period and did not want to be reincarnated and rebuilt. It is far stronger than a monk in Mahayana period who stayed in the fix-up world for half an immortal.
Now, the old man of beasts suddenly told me that the news that Emperor Xuan and Huang were scattered immortals was really surprising, because the arrogance of Emperor Xuan and Huang actually failed to turn Du Jie into scattered immortals, which was really surprising.
"Scattered immortals are not free and unfettered. Behind the scenery, there is a precarious fate. Scattered immortals will face an apocalypse every once in a while, and the power is getting stronger and stronger. I have never heard of scattered immortals who have survived five times. It is not difficult to be reincarnated and rebuilt according to the conditions of Xuan Huangdi …"
Hu-day muttered with a frown.
When the old man heard the news, he added an unexpected sentence: "Emperor Xuan and Huang became scattered immortals on purpose."
"He deliberately Du Jie failure into scattered fairy? !”
"Everyone hopes that Du Jie will soar to the celestial world smoothly. I have never heard of such a thing as breaking my future …"
At one time, everyone in the cave stared at each other and looked at each other. No one would believe such a fact if the old man said it himself.
But it happened that this was the case
Emperor Xuan and Huang became the secret of scattered immortals, but it didn’t appear in the battle of the old beasts. At last, the old beasts were at the peak of the fit period, forcing the emperor Xuan and Huang to retreat and hook up with the thunder to win a breathing space, but at the same time they had to pay a high price for falling into the thunder robbery.
Hu-day doubt rebirth is open my mouth to ask.
However, he was stopped by the old man of beasts and said, "When the old man was the imperial commander of the real iron empire, the Emperor Xuanhuang was just a real iron. The empire failed against the fate of the real iron emperor, and now it is inevitable that the Emperor Xuanhuang will succeed in his father’s footsteps with great determination and will."
After a meal, he continued, "There are too many past events involved. You don’t need to ask and know more than your development is unfavorable. Hu Tianxiaoyou, I beg you to consider it?"
"To tell you the truth, I am glad to accept these elites. There is no doubt that if Yan is in charge according to the truth, it is more suitable for me. What predecessors have chosen junior me?"
Hu-day’s eyes flickered off and he asked the question he had always wanted to ask.
What animal old man thinks so highly of him?
Is it just luck? If so, it is not enough to say that Yan and night weaving are also arrogant. Hu-day faintly feels that there are other reasons
Sure enough, the old man looked at him deeply and said five words to move Hu-day’s face
"Because you are a witch"
"hmm? ! The predecessors also know witches? " Instantaneous Hu-day not only even Meng Gang will be burning eyes on the face of the old man.
"The ancient ghost said that before the formation of the world, there were four gods and demons fighting each other, and the chaotic battlefield was created by the four gods. This world was pregnant with membranes and embryos, and the four gods were inextricably linked. Finally, all four gods and one ancestor fell, and their flesh and blood splashed, forming the first Terran. The same four gods and one witch condensed into a witch. He first tianbao HarmonyOS’s vitality beads were broken into thousands of pieces to form the earliest animals." The old man’s tune of beasts slowly took on a quaint, vicissitudes and mysterious taste.
"All the witches’ natural magical powers can control animals because they are from the same source. The magical powers cultivate alchemy because the ancestors are the source of plant metaplasia. When I saw Xiaoyou, you broke out of the magic blood tower and dropped 35 animals, I already knew it." Speaking of this, the old man smiled at Hu Tian Zhan Yan.
Hu-day fuels, "the elder is wrong, not that the younger generation intends to hide, but that the younger generation is indeed a living human …"
"Ha, ha, ha, you don’t have to worry about changing everything when the hatred of the past four ethnic wars has long since vanished. I won’t kill you because of racial hatred."
The old man looked up and laughed, and then he snorted and looked disdainful. "What’s more, which one is pure blood today? At first, the pure terrans were all three heads and six arms. What about today? You see, everyone is a head with two hands. In addition to human blood, there are several complicated animal blood. Time is passing. The universe is merging and the flesh and blood of the four gods are also merging. This is the general trend of the whole universe. It is because of this that I created the method of repairing the truth by animals. "
The smug expression appeared on the face of the old man, and the old man taught the dignity to laugh like a child, which was full of intimacy.
After listening to him, he added, "The world is mistaken for the school of animal cultivation. There are too many days and insufficient details. Actually? It has a long history than any other school, because I learn from the practice of witchcraft, which is the benefit of conforming to the general trend of the universe. "
"If the elder knows about Wu Ke, do you still know where there is witchcraft now?" At this time MengGang finally unbearable heart throb can’t help but ask questions.
The old man gave Meng Gang a strange look, but he didn’t see Meng Gang’s true identity because of his innate spirit and magic pupil butterfly. But he still replied, "The Wu clan … really lies in a corner of this world. It’s a pity that the real iron emperor once found clues …"
"So this world really has a witch family? !” Meng Gang’s eyes suddenly lit up and turned high, and then he quickly asked, "Do you remember the clues of the predecessors?"
The old man shook his head. "I’ve only heard about the witchcraft. The real clue has always been in the hands of the real iron emperor. Well, this clue may be kept in the tomb of the real iron emperor."
"The Mausoleum of the Real Iron Emperor?" Hu Tian looked curiously at the demise of the real iron empire. He knew it, but he had never heard that the real iron emperor still had a mausoleum.
The old man of beasts nodded with a face of certainty. "The tomb of the real iron emperor is indeed hidden in the void, and no one can find the entrance. The only key is the Haotianxiong ship."
"Hao Tian Xiong Zhou?" They looked at each other.
One secret after another is spit out from the old population, which makes Hu Tian feel overwhelmed.
Section 7 Escape from birth
In the past, the real iron empire was the first country in the field of repair, with a vast territory spanning three star fields and thousands of stars.
The real iron emperor learned of some great crisis, poor national strength to build a heroic ship of Haotian, and was secretly attacked by mysterious forces, which led to the collapse of the national uprising and the overthrow of the rule.
The real iron emperor had to split the Hao Tianxiong ship to flow to all corners of the universe and set up an ambush pen for the descendants of the real iron tomb. The key to entering this tomb is the Hao Tianxiong ship!
Meng Gang had to collect several flying boats to find the clues of the lost witch clan, and assembled a Hao Tianxiong ship to break into the real iron tomb with this "key" to get all kinds of clues.
After Bai Hu-day and Meng Gang looked at each other.
It is even more difficult for them to accomplish the above things than to defeat the Emperor Xuan Huang, because at this moment, Hao Tianxiong’s ships have already flowed in all corners of the universe, and they want to collect them one by one, almost to fight against the world enemies with the major forces in the universe!






1. 水疗师


2. 前台接待


3. 市场营销专员


4. 保洁员



1. 水疗师:月薪5000-8000元,根据个人能力和业绩进行浮动;
2. 前台接待:月薪4000-6000元,根据个人能力和业绩进行浮动;
3. 市场营销专员:月薪5000-8000元,根据个人能力和业绩进行浮动;
4. 保洁员:月薪3000-5000元,根据个人能力和业绩进行浮动。


1. 提供完善的培训体系,助力员工成长;
2. 定期举办员工活动,丰富员工业余生活;
3. 节假日福利,如礼品、旅游等;
4. 工作满一年后,享有带薪年假。


1. 报名:有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱:example@example.com,或拨打联系电话:023-xxxx-xxxx;
2. 面试:我们将根据简历筛选,通知符合条件者进行面试;
3. 录用:通过面试后,我们将正式录用,签订劳动合同。


"I just don’t know how long this large array can last."

People talk that Su Mo is still practicing in a lotus peak. Over the years, he has controlled two eyes of the chaotic array.
In addition to the black lotus peak, he has not learned from other methods, and there is also a lotus peak array that he has not yet fully understood.
Once you control this place, the power of chaotic array will rise again.
And this promotion is not only a passive defense, but also a counterattack!
Outside the holy land of chaos
The four holy places, the powerful people, burst into blood and control into a hundred thousand avenues, constantly impacting the chaotic array, but eventually breaking the defense of the large array.
They watched Su Mo and others inside, but they couldn’t help but be agitated for a long time.
Nine shadows pointed out, "It’s not the way to go like this. Try to break this array."
Qingyong shook his head and said, "The key to this attack is the two lotus peaks, but this peak is indestructible. Don’t say that our family saints came here in those days and failed to take these four lotus peaks away."
At this time, the eyes of the heavens evolved, and the Yin and Yang generate gave two divine lights and fell on the chaotic holy land array looking for flaws
After a long time, the sky suddenly said, "This big array has not yet started. We have to attack the other two eyes of this array in a different direction!"
Two of the four lotus peaks seem to have recovered.
There are two others that appear silent.
It’s true that these two lotus peaks are not controlled by Su Mo, which is indeed the weakness of chaotic array.
The strong men in the four holy places heard the news and immediately bypassed the two lotus peaks of cyan and gold in front and headed for the red and black lotus peaks.
Sure enough!
The attack fell on the joint of these two peaks, which caused the chaotic array to shake one after another, and the runes of the large array gradually stripped off the light.
Evergreen statue frowning slightly sink a way "bad there seems to be the flaw in this large array, if they are playing through this large array, I’m afraid I can’t support it."
A loud noise suddenly broke out!
The red lotus peak seems to be burning, and the third eye is activated!
Su Mo suddenly opened his eyes and read the chaotic large array breath suddenly changed!
The large array of runes suddenly fell off, like a magic weapon with spiritual generalization rushing into the crowd of the four holy places!
Every pattern in the chaotic array is a trace of the avenue.
This magic weapon is also equivalent to the avenue soldier!
Poof! Poof! Poof!
The four holy places, the priests, the Taoist priests and the strong men, were on guard against the sudden spread of blood and fog in the crowd, which was greatly disturbed by the counter-attack of the chaotic array.
Qiang Qiang!
Hanging from the sky to block the chaotic array, a magic weapon roared-"Be careful!"
The activation of the third array eye of chaotic large array makes the defense of large array to another level.
Although there is still a weakness of the black lotus peak, it is enough to make up for this weakness by virtue of the establishment of three lotus peaks
What’s more, the chaotic large array broke out in the Soviet-Mexican control and counterattacked the four holy land formations.
Lin Meng Zun, Evergreen Zun and others are also secretly frightened when they see this scene.
Many Tao Zun’s strong eyes looked at Su Mo with little contempt.
Just by virtue of this chaotic array, Su Mo can be invincible in the imperial territory.
Even if the holy family is too close to fit, let alone hurt his life
In the counterattack of the chaotic array, there are also four saints who can resist and resolve the rest, and the rest have already fled to the distance.
The four holy places, SIRS, Taoism and the strong, do have some means.
Except for the first counterattack of the chaotic large array, which killed three Taoist statues and one great statue, the rest of the strong were prepared and saved their lives.
Now there are only four saints left in front of the chaotic array!






1. 足浴技师

– 负责为客户提供专业的足浴服务,包括足底按摩、足浴等;
– 根据客户需求,提供个性化的养生方案;
– 保持良好的服务态度,维护公司形象。

– 具备2年以上足浴技师工作经验;
– 熟练掌握足浴、按摩等技能;
– 具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识。

2. 桑拿技师

– 负责为客户提供专业的桑拿服务,包括桑拿、蒸汽浴等;
– 指导客户正确使用桑拿设备,确保安全;
– 维护桑拿间的环境卫生。

– 具备1年以上桑拿技师工作经验;
– 熟练掌握桑拿设备的使用和操作;
– 具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识。

3. 保健按摩师

– 为客户提供专业的保健按摩服务;
– 根据客户需求,提供个性化的按摩方案;
– 保持良好的服务态度,维护公司形象。

– 具备2年以上保健按摩师工作经验;
– 熟练掌握各种按摩手法;
– 具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识。

4. 住宿服务员

– 负责客房的日常清洁、整理和维护;
– 为客户提供优质的服务,确保客户满意;
– 保持良好的服务态度,维护公司形象。

– 具备1年以上住宿服务员工作经验;
– 熟悉客房服务流程;
– 具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识。


1. 薪资面议,根据个人能力和工作经验定;
2. 提供完善的培训体系,帮助员工提升专业技能;
3. 提供良好的工作环境,保障员工权益;
4. 定期举办员工活动,丰富员工生活。




Master see Li Zhichang incredibly want to intellectual man fit adventure into the enemy’s heart hard to persuade, but Li Zhi often said that the interests of all people depend on him, but even though Li Zhichang martial arts furious, but really can do it like Jinger, Nie Yinniang’s sword play and teach all the people also secretly doubt.

It was a cold night, but Zhao Min was talking to a middle-aged man wearing a square towel in the Mongolian tent. She came to besiege Wudang Mountain this time. She was not the commander in chief, but her father Ruyang Wang Chahantimur was born in Tanma Chi Army. Today, when the Western Expedition was carried out with Wokuo Terrace, Chahantimur studied Confucianism at an early age. He was once a scholar, famous in the countryside, and was full of ambition. He was familiar with the history and well versed in the art of war, and he formed his own rebel army against the Red Scarf soldiers.
At this time, it was cold at night, and Chahantimur didn’t know his heart was depressed. Since he started to fight, although he won every battle, the rebel army always couldn’t cut it. The more he killed, the more uprisings emerged everywhere. The siege of Wudang Mountain was nothing more than his daughter’s pleading to wipe out the Wulin people in Wudang Mountain. After Chahantimur had to lead his troops into Jianghuai to calm down the Red Scarf Army. Although he heard his daughter’s preaching, he refused to teach that he could control the Red Scarf Army.
Chahantimur thought about the great events of the day, and the imperial court could make the people feel depressed. "Min Min will play a song for his father."
Zhao Min asked, "What song does father want to listen to?"
At this time, there was a reed pipe outside the tent somewhere. Chahantimur had a strange reed pipe blowing in his heart, which was bleak and unpredictable and implied lofty sentiments. Yue Wumu’s "Small Mountains" coincided with his mood at this time
Chahan Timur’s mind was shaken and he sang to the beat. Last night, he couldn’t help but scream and wake up. It’s midnight, and pedestrians around the steps quietly curtain the moon.
White head fame, old mountain pine and bamboo, old resistance to return home, want to pay attention to Yao Qin’s bosom friend, few strings broken, who listens?
Chapter 52 Ask people who are heroes.
Abrupt reed tunes have changed and become "Hu Jia Wu Nong" songs. The artistic conception is desolate and high, which is reminiscent of the scene of the desert river beyond the Great Wall. Most of the Yuan Army’s hometown is in the frontier fortress, following Chahan’s expedition to the north, and more than a dozen people have never returned to their hometown, but the day of Yongning is also unknown.
The Yuan army fought endlessly on weekdays, which naturally suppressed this homesickness, but the tone of the reed pipe was sad and touching. Many Yuan soldiers were homesick, the townships were filled with smoke and sunset, and the cattle and sheep could not help crying.
Chahan Tiemu Tietie was shocked to hear that he was crying outside. He was doing great things, and his heart was as hard as iron. At that time, he was disappointed and soon came to his senses. This reed pipe was not specifically aimed at him, and he could never shake him after he woke up.
He knew there must be something wrong. His daughter was thoughtful and asked a bunch of experts to go in the direction of the reed pipe. This jathyapple hung all over the place and sprinkled silver. Chahan led a group of experts to the camp and saw a boulder outside the camp. I don’t know when it was sitting. A man in a white robe was only thirty years old, but his eyes were like stars shining in the cold night, and a sword hilt was slanted behind him. The camp had a wide view, except for this man.
The breeze is blowing, and the white Taoist wears thin clothes, but he doesn’t feel cold at all. Seeing Chahan and others coming out, the white Taoist receives the reed pipe.
Road flyover in white laughed. "It’s a pity that Wudang Mountain is full of pigs and dogs, and it’s clean for no reason."
He raved and chahan was furious.
See Li Zhichang Zhao Min smiled "Li Xiong don’t come ill".
Chahan is surprised that his daughter knows this bizarre Taoist priest, but he knows that his daughter likes to accept Jianghu people. This strange Taoist priest may be a famous figure in the Jianghu.
Li Zhichang didn’t answer the beat of the boulder beside him, singing and chanting.
Xianyang baiershan river
The word’ fame’ has been fighting for several times!
Xiang Fei Dongwu Liuxing Xishu
A dream
Han Xin’s kung fu proves the fruit?
Kuai Tong Yan which is full of enchantments?
Success is Xiao and failure is Xiao.
Drunk, let him! "
Chahan was the last breath of Yuan Ting when Optimus Prime traveled to the north to defend Yuan Ting. Nature can be compared with Han Xin. This themoon song by Li Zhichang compares Han Xin to Chahan. Although three outstanding heroes of early han dynasty was added, Han Xin didn’t end well. Li Zhi often says that Chahan naturally didn’t end well.
This song is in the middle of Chahan’s heart disease. Although the court relies heavily on him, it actually secretly guards against him. Ten years ago, the prime minister took control of all the kings and horses, the generals of all the provinces and the commanders of all the wings, and the officers and men who led the troops will be known as millions of people, saying that "the flag has been exhausted for thousands of miles, and the drums have been shaken."
At that time, Tuotuo led a million-strong army against Zhang Shicheng, the self-proclaimed honest king of Daxing Rebel Army. The two sides fought in Gaoyou City, and Shicheng was defeated and retreated into the city. The Yuan Army split its troops and broke Liuhe, Yancheng, Xinghua and other places, and it was necessary to capture Zhang Shicheng alive. On this day, when the No.1 anti-thief came to the imperial edict, the Yuan Emperor changed his position, and then he was sent to die in Yunnan Province. The million-strong army outside Gaoyou City also collapsed without fighting. Since then, it has become more and more difficult for the rebel army to turn from defending to attacking the Yuan Army
Since then, although Chahan has won every battle, he is actually worried that one day he will follow in the footsteps of Tuotuo.
Li Zhichang’s themoon song touched the heart of Chahan, and Chahan was unhappy. At this time, Zhao Min’s crisp voice recited, "Who is the hero? There is a wine in Linjiang, and Cao Gongzi covers the yellow flag. More should be borrowed from Chibi Dongfeng, and Nanyang Wolong will become famous. In the map, there is a foot in the foot, a point in Xishu and a point in Jiangdong. Her voice is delicate but not heroic.
This song praised Zhuge Liang for coming out at the right time and making a blockbuster. He was brave and heroic, and he was able to do it with ease. He praised Zhuge Liangtian for being proud, but at this time he was praising her father, Chahan Timur.
Li Zhichang will compare Chahan with a natural death, and Han Xin and Zhao Min will compare Chahan with Zhuge Liang, who is’ the end of the Three Kingdoms, divided, have been bound by his greatness’s monarch and subjects’.
Chahan was rejuvenated and asked, "Who is Zu?"
Li Zhichang laughed. "Who am I? Qinjian Jiuqi Dragon Crane Tiger is happy and carefree, always worried and carefree, riding a white deer, touring the three islands, boring and borrowing green cattle, and watching the blue caves of the ten continents, reaching the moon, the green hills and high hidden colorful clouds, if people want to be so famous, they will even rest. "
Chahan has a lot of knowledge. Naturally, he knew Li Zhichang’s meaning and sneered, "So Ge Zibi Lv Dongbin is coming to fly a sword to take my head?"
Li Zhichang said "Ran Ye"
Many Jianghu experts around Chahan could not help but jump towards Li Zhichang.
Zhao Min knew that Li Zhichang was terrible and whispered, "Father, this man is a religious leader. He is worse than us. Let’s go back to the camp first."
Chahan waved his hand and said, "I didn’t expect there to be such a heroic figure in the grass. Can this person accept it?" He always loved to accept the leader of Li Zhichang as a hero, but his courage is not small. Mongolians have always respected the hero Li Zhichang, who dared to show his madness in front of these tens of thousands of troops, but let him admire him.